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Magazine of the Cornwall Wildlife Trust ...........No 75 Spring 1998 | |||
Contents | |||
Editorial Thanks to you Stoats and weasels From the conservation section Of mice and cat Snippets Special interest groups Branch news Education and publicity Cornwall's mammals Reserves report Advertisement features ..good info Diary of events (centre pages) Advertisement features ..good info Practical Action on Reserves in Cornwall (PARC) List of Staff, Officers and Sections Front Cover Habitat Appeal - Back Cover Membership enquiries to: Andrea Toy, Five Acres, Allet, Truro, TR4 9DJ. General enquiries to: The Administrator, Five Acres, Allet, Truro, TR4 9DJ. E-mail: cornwt@cix.compulink.co.uk |
Tel +44 (0)1872 273939 | Fax +44 (0)1872 225476 | ||
Repro: Picture House & BJ Press Ltd. Printed by BJ Press Ltd - +44 (0)1872 222110 - on behalf of the Cornwall Wildlife Trust. Wild Cornwall is printed on recycled paper. This web-edition uses no extra paper Copyright 1996 Cornwall Wildlife Trust. Opinions expressed by authors and services offered by advertisers are not specifically endorsed by the Trust. The Editor reserves the right to refuse or withdraw advertisements at his discretion and does not accept liability for clerical or printer's errors, although every care is taken to avoid mistakes. Advertisements in Wild Cornwall are accepted by the Cornwall Wildlife Trust only on the understanding that the advertisers warrant that the advertisements do not contravene the Trade Descriptions Act 1968, the Sex Discrimination Act 1975 and the Business Advertisements (Disclosune) Order 1977 and conform to the British Code of Advertising Practice. |
You are the Trust. Everything reported in Wild Cornwall involves you, whether or not you are an active participant. It is thanks to your support, and in pursuit of your wishes as a member, that our partnership of volunteers and staff is carrying out all of the work described. In this issue we are leaning heavily towards mammal conservation - an issue which we feel is important to you and one which cannot be tackled without your help. But how sure are we of where your priorities lie? The Trust's democratic structure helps us to gear our action to your wishes, but this spring we are taking the extra step of organising a Members' Conference. We hope you will come along and have your say. One recent decision you have made - by responding to our call for views on the subject - has been to change Wild Cornwall (from the next issue) to a colour newspaper format. This can be produced at a much lower cost, freeing more of our funds for conservation work. We would like to take this opportunity to thank the magazine's printers, BJ Press Ltd, for their service and commitment, and we are sure we will continue to do business with them in other ways. Mark Nicholson COPY DATE for the next issue of Wild Cornwall 15th March 1998 Editorial enquiries and any material intended for publication should be sent to the Editor: Mark Nicholson Five Acres, Allet Truro, TR4 9DJ. E-mail: cornwt@cix.compulink.co.uk Every care will be taken with manuscripts or photographs but no responsibility can he accepted for lost or damaged items. The views expressed by the contributors to this magazine are not necessarily those of the Editor or the Cornwall Wildlife Trust. |