During the process the percentage of pure tin increases dramatically,
although the layman would probably notice very little difference between
the sand in the Ore Shed and the final concentrate. All that remains now
is for this 'black tin' to be converted into metal by smelting. In 1986
it was sent to Capper Pass in Yorkshire, but in the 19th century there
were many smelting houses in Cornwall, all distinguished by their tall
square chimneys. Each house had its own mark (very often the lamb and
flag, an early symbol of purity), which was pressed on to the molten ingots
to show they had been properly assayed and the duty to the Duchy of Cornwall
paid. This was known as 'coining'. One of the oldest known metals, tin
was for centuries used in bronze for armour and guns, in pewter and bell
metal. Today its application is mainly in alloys and compounds, and it
is of vital importance in the steel and aerospace industries
We gratefully acknowledge the assistance given to Tolgus by the The Cornish
Gold Centre
Tolgus Tin (Cornwall) Ltd., New Portreath Road. Redruth. © Tolgus 1980.