No.81 - Winter - 1999/2000
Editorial For this special issue of Wild Cornwall we have tried to gather our thoughts on the Cornwall Wildlife Trust's achievements to date, the circumstances in which we now find ourselves and - looking forward with great optimism to the new millennium - our visions for the future. Not surprisingly, our thoughts also turn to the early days of the Trust and the people - some sadly departed - who helped make it the success that it is. Little did the founder members know in 1962 that the Cornwall Naturalists' Trust - later the Cornwall Trust for Nature Conservation and now the Cornwall Wildlife Trust - would become such a major force. Our thanks go to everyone who has played a part in the Trust's success story, in the past or more recently, regardless of whether your name happens to appear in any of the following articles. You are our greatest asset and we value each one of you. We hope the results of our combined endeavours, as presented in this magazine, together with the opportunities we have highlighted, will inspire a fresh surge of support and a new dawn for wildlife conservation. Mark Nicholson |
Contents - Wild Cornwall - No.81 - Winter - 1999/2000
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