General enquiries to: The Administrator, Five Acres, Allet, Truro, TR4 9DJ.
Tel +44 (0)1872 273939 | Fax +44 (0)1872 225476 |
Printed by BJ Press Ltd - Truro 222110 - on behalf of the Cornwall Wildlife Trust.
Today the Wildlife Trust form one of the least wooded counties in one of the least countries in Europe brings you a magazine focusing on woodlands! More specifically, our theme is woodland management - something which is essential if wildlife as we know it is to survive.
The word management in relation to the environment tends not to evoke as much public sympathy for our cause as others such as caring, protecting or even greening, but conservation management is an idea we must explain if our work is to be understood.
Opportunities for nature in our modern landscape are so diminished, fragmented and isolated that natural processes are no longer able to maintain the current range of species and habitats without human interference.
Unless we carry out conservation management, we will lose even more of our biodiversily (another terrible word with which we have to deal) - the varied web of life upon which all species depend, including our own.
Many thanks, as always, for your practical, financial and moral support for what we are doing, and we hope you will enjoy reading about what it has allowed us to achieve.
for the next issue of Wild Cornwall
Editorial enquiries and any material
intended for publication should be
sent to the Editor:
Mark Nicholson
Five Acres, Allet
Truro, TR4 9DJ.
Every care will be taken with manuscripts or photographs but no responsibility can he accepted for lost or damaged items.
The views expressed by the contributors to this magazine are not necessarily those of the Editor or the Cornwall Wildlife Trust.