Branch news
The cleaning of the River Allen at
Sladesbridge has been monitored by one
of our committee members. He reported
that the valley is looking particularly
beautiful this year. Otter spraint and a
kingfisher's nest were found. A solitary
otter was sighted playing and feeding on
the Camel Estuary. Four porpoises were
seen just offshore at Tregardock last
month. This year nature seems to be
exceptionally bountiful in flora and
fauna in the Camel Branch area.
Our trips to Antarctica and America last
winter and spring were well-attended
evenings. We were transported by slides
and tales of experiences and adventures
of two of our committee members.
This coming autumn and winter we are
out and about on our own patch looking
for signs and sightings of otters, as well
as studying our native trees in winter.
Details of other events are in the diary
Bett Hartley
Our AGM in March seems a long time
ago now, but I must express our
gratitude to Cohn Speedie for stepping
in at the last minute to give us such an
excellent talk ranging from eco-friendly
commercial uses of seaweed to cetacean
surveying and pollution monitoring.
A walk beside the Tamar in April saw
spring flowers and a general impression
that spring was late this year. The
weather improved this May, although
our coastal walk from Penlee Reserve
was a complete wash-out - heavy rain
all day and our leader surprised to see
even me turn up.
The previous day, however, the weather
had been kind to us for an enthusiastic
and well-attended clean-up work party at
Tincombe Reserve, capably organised by
the new Wardens David and Gail Cory.
Thank you to the local families who
came and worked so hard on the day.
In June a walk and then, soon after, a
work party were enjoyed by some of our
keen members who live near our
Armstrong Wood Reserve at Trebullett.
Later in the month the bats turned up
(over a hundred!) but not the people for
a count at a summer pipistrelle roost in a
bungalow in Downgate on the north side
of Kit Hill.
Finally, leaving the best until last,
wonderful flowers, especially orchids,
lovely butterflies and good weather were
enjoyed by 20 members from Tamar and
Caradon Branches at Creddacott Meadow
Reserve - superb Culm grassland and a
key example of the variety of habitats we
can enjoy in Cornwall.
Dave Gibbon
Carrick Branch is struggling to survive.
If the branch is to continue we must
have some more help on the committee.
If any Carrick member would like to
volunteer to act as Secretary or
Treasurer or help on the committee,
please phone me on (01872) 222654.
We need to know before 10th October
so that we can make plans for the future
of the branch at our AGM in November.
Because of this situation, we have only
planned events up to the AGM.
Chris Burton has a couple more outings
planned for Fox Club, and we have two
slide presentations arranged for the
autumn. Despite the huge membership
generated by the door-to-door recruiting
drive in our area, we have had a very
poor response to our spring events - in
fact no one turned up at the rock pool
day at Falmouth. So it is up to you
Carrick members - if you want the
branch to continue please give us some
help and support.
Sheila Rowe
Our joint venture with Penwith in April
for the Bluebell Walk was modestly
supported and enjoyed by all.
In June another joint venture with the
RSPB for the nightjar watch, led by
Mark Weake, was well attended. Luck
was on our side - we saw a pair, and
heard curlews and a cuckoo. A pleasant
evening was had by all.
PARC day in May saw work starting on
the Pendarves nature trail posts, which
have now been completed. We would
like to thank all those involved.
Grace Mason

Well folks, this is the last missive you're
going to get from yours truly for a
This Penwith chief cook and bottle
washer is chucking in the tea towel and
heading for warmer climes. My next
contribution to the magazine will be
from the banks of the Kavango River -
with crocodiles - in Northern Namibia.
Destroy one habitate to create another ? |
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Branch news